Crystal Lopez is the Founder and Owner of Carter Bradley Insur-ance Solutions, an agency focused on clients’ unique needs to find the best prices and coverage for them. Personal tragedy led Crystal to the industry, being discovered and men-tored by an agent who recognized her dedicated work ethic. Learning quickly, she soon moved up and was hired to translate presentations into Spanish, which is when she really be-gan to discover the impact she could make on the lives of families.
After becoming a mother, Crys-tal became interested in entrepre-neurship, obtaining her license and opening a business bearing her son’s name. Passionate about helping oth-ers, Crystal is involved with numer-ous organizations. She is an Ambas-sador with the CORONA Chamber and National Latina Business Women Association, and recently became a member of the Eastvale Chamber. She also plans to volunteer to read for small children at the Library.
Working with a large variety of insurance carriers, Crystal and her team have an expanded view and un-derstanding of each company to find the one best suited for potential cli-ents. For existing clients, their goal is to keep their business year after year by continually searching for the best policies for them. Through an affili-ate partnership with Professional In-surance Associates, Crystal can offer all markets from Workers Comp, to Officers and Directors, Employment Practices, Cyber Liability, Medical Malpractice, Construction, Contrac-tors Liability, and even including small aircraft!
Crystal is a rising star in the busi-ness world, and we are delighted to honor her as such.